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If You're Happy (Playbacks)

Horn, Reinhard / Pähler, Reinhild / Rediker, Detlef / Wördenweber, Janet
If You're Happy
Songs, Rhymes and Games für den Englischunterricht
Playbacks (CD)
Editionsnr.: KON 1090-1
Verlag: KONTAKTE Musikverlag

26 fröhliche Lieder, 10 tolle Spiele und 16 lustige Reime für den Englisch-Anfangsuntericht. Thematisch orientieren sich die Lieder an folgenden Themen: Begrüßung, Zahlen, Wochentage und Monate, Alphabet, Farben, Körperteile, Bewegung

Zielgruppe: Grundschule


01 Hello Peter
02 The Animals went in two by two
03 Old MacDonald
04 One man went to mow
05 The bear walked over the mountain
06 B-I-N-G-O
07 The Alphabet Song
08 Oh Mum will you buy me
09 John Brown met a little Indian
10 There were ten in the bed
11 Colours
12 Sally go round the sun
13 January, february, march
14 I like the flowers
15 John BrownÂ’s tractor had a puncture
16 The Hokey Cokey
17 If youÂ’re happy
18 Listen to my music
19 One finger, one thumb
20 My Bonnie
21 What shall we do with the drunken sailor
22 The farmerÂ’s in his den
23 Happy birthday
24 We wish you a merry christmas
25 Michael row the boat ashore
26 HeÂ’s got the whole world in his hands


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